Best heroes need to Avoid

Doom Bringer

Lucifer was the leader of the Doomguard attack force of the burning legion in the first attack by the dark lord Sargeras. With his original master long gone, Lucifer grants his undying loyalty to the Scourge to finish what his lord once started. Devouring the insignificant for his greed while dissapating the souls of those brave and strong enough to withstand his strength and the heat of his fiery haven of burning earth, Lucifer takes no prisoners and makes sure those who presevere through his wrath die by the agonizing and burning pain of doom itself.

Doom (D)
The target unit becomes inflicted with Doom. The afflicted unit cannot cast spells (including item spells) and will take damage per second. Lasts for 14 seconds. 
Level 1 - Deals 30 damage per second.
Level 2 - Deals 50 damage per second.
Level 3 - Deals 70 damage per second.
Mana Cost: 150/ 200/ 250
Cooldown: 110
• Aghanim's Scepter improves damage to 50/80/100 damage per second.

-This is skill is the reason why kael invoker need to avoid this here. Ones Kael Invoker was doomed he no longer able to use his Ghost Walk and during lane game... This hero was too vital to pierced by the magic of kael invoker during the early game. But when late game, you can able to manage to pawned this opponent.


Harbinger - Obsidian Destroyer

An obsidian construct brought to life through the ill conceived necromancy of the Lich King, Harbinger craves magic to make up for the emptiness brought on by the incomplete nature of its summoning. Ironically however, to devour the magic that it so desires, Harbinger must tap into his own pool of mana time and time again, expending to the point where it ends up with even less than it began with. Yet despite this, the Obsidian Destroyer is a proud servant of the Undead Scourge, and takes great pleasure in annihilating the foolish Sentinels it encounters through psionic exploitation.

Astral Imprisonment (T)
Teleports a target allied or enemy hero into an astral prison. The hero remains separated from the real world for the duration of the spell. If cast on an enemy, Harbinger steals intelligence from the target. Intelligence is restored to the hero after 60 seconds.
Level 1 - Banished for 1 second. 2 Int exchange.
Level 2 - Banished for 2 second. 4 Int exchange.
Level 3 - Banished for 3 second. 6 Int exchange.
Level 4 - Banished for 4 second. 8 Int exchange.
• When cast on an ally, no intelligence is stolen and vision is not removed.
• Imprisoned units are hidden and invulnerable, but do not lose their vision of the surrounding area.
• Casting range: 550
Mana Cost: 120/140/160/180
Cooldown: 18/16/14/12

-This is one of the reason why you need to avoid this hero because with this skill you no longer able to use your intelligence. This here borrow your intelligence and vanish you for a particular time and I'm sure you will get bored with this opponent because you will miss your hero most of the time. In addition the super skill of this hero was really damageful. It burn your 75% of mana and the damage was depend of his intelligence, the greater the intelligence the massive the damage. 


Bat Rider

Once an expendable spy, Jin'zakk has outlived the suicidal tendencies of other Bat Riders to create a unique style, one that favours control and precision instead of wanton destruction. His years of battle experience have allowed him to innovate creative uses for his fiery arts: He can douse enemies in a bath of sticky oil that restricts their movements before igniting it, fire an explosive that blows enemies away, or take flight to leave behind a trail of flame. However, his most deadly skill involves lassoing his opponent and dragging the unfortunate foe into the arms of his allies.

Sticky Napalm (C)
Targets an area and drenches it in very sticky oil. Amplifies any fire damage and slows the movement speed and turn rate of units in that area. Extra casts of this on the same targets stack up to 10 times. Lasts for 7 seconds.
Level 1 - 10 damage and 3% slow per stack.
Level 2 - 15 damage and 5% slow per stack.
Level 3 - 20 damage and 7% slow per stack.
Level 4 - 25 damage and 9% slow per stack.
• Damage type: magical
• All damage from Batrider's attacks, items and skills is amplified, except for damage from Radiance.
• Casting range: 700
• Area of Effect: 375
Mana Cost: 20
Cooldown: 3

-Reason? Bat rider was also an Intelligence type but his skill was really imbalance during one on one.  The Sticky Napalm can enable you to be amplified that cause for lower defense for kael invoker and slows greatly which you can no longer able to move. In addition his Super skill was a solid disable for a particular second. I'm sure you will find hard to move with this hero.