Item Reviews

This are the basic item you need to equipped for Kael Invoker during the early game or when the game start.

Null Talisman (505)
+3 Agility, +6 Intelligence
+3 Strength, +3 Damage

-To increase your intelligence and balance your strength and agility. Then you can able transform this item into Dagon.

Bracer (525)
+3 Agility, +3 Intelligence
+6 Strength, +3 Damage
-To increase your Strength and balance your intelligence and agility. Then you can able transform this item into Dagon.

Magic Wand 
+3 all attributes
Energy Charges (active) Collects charges (up to 15) when nearby enemy spells are cast. Energy Charge gives 15 health and 15 mana when used for each charge on it.

- Provides you a small amount of Mp and Hp when hero opponent near you can a skill. This item is very useful for five versus five.

Empty Bottle:
It can store healing water for up to 3 uses (cast on Fountain), each healing 135 HP and 70 mana over 3 seconds.
It can be used to capture magical runes for 2 minutes. No mana cost.
Buy 600 Sell 300

-This item enables you to stay on your lane and no longer go back to your base for a regeneration.


During the middle game you need to have those Priority item needed for Kael Invoker.

Aghanim's Scepter (4200)
+10 all attributes, +200 HP, +150 Mana
Improves Ultimates for Lord of Avernus, Bane Elemental, Earthshaker, Holy Knight, Clockwerk Goblin, Shadow Priest, Sacred Warrior, Invoker, Juggernaut, Tormented Soul, Slayer, Demon Witch, Moon Rider, Necrolyte, Nightstalker, Pandaren Brewmaster, Butcher, Oblivion, Queen of Pain, Shadow Shaman, Crystal Maiden, Spiritbreaker, Sand King, Twin Head Dragon, Undying, Vengeful Spirit, Venomancer, Faceless Void, Windrunner, Witch Doctor, and Lord of Olympia.

-Aghanim's Scepter for Kael Invoker reduces the mana cost of his Invoker and also reduce the cool down time of invoke. Beside With this item he can able to increase his Intelligence , Agility and Strength.

Bloodstone (5050)
+500 hp, +400 mana, +150% mana regen, +6 hp regen
When nearby enemy hero dead (1000 AoE), gain 1 charge. Each charge give 1 Mana regen. Loses a third charges per death (rounded down). Restore 400 + 30 x charges HP to nearby allies (1700) when die. Gold lost on death is reduced by 25 per charge. Respawn time reduced by 3 seconds per charge.

-Blood stone for the increase of Health and Man of Kael Invoker. As we all know that Kael Invoker have the perfect skill but weak body.


This are the best item for Kael Invoker during the late game time play.


Shiva's Guard 
+15 armor, +30 inteligence, -15% attack speed aura
Arctic Blast (active) -40% movement speed, deal 200 damage
100 mana, 30 seconds cooldown

-This item increase Kael Invoker Armor and his mana, that help him to avoid Mana Short.

Guinsoo's Scythe of Vyse
+35 Intelligence, +200% mana regen, +10 Strength, +10 Agility
Hex (active) turn enemy into sheep for 3.5 seconds
100 mana, 35 seconds cooldown

-Enable the enemy to be hex, at this case Kael Invoker can able to cast his skills perfectly and it also increase Intelligence.

Orchid Malevolence 
+20 inteligence, +45 damage, +30% attack speed, +225% mana regen
Soul Burn (active) 5 seconds silence, amplify 20% damage
25 seconds cooldown, 100 Mana

- The holder of this item can able to cast silent and amplify one at a time. At this case Kael Invoker can able to get the right timing casting his skill and barely increase the damage of it.

+13 Intelligence, +9 damage, +3 All Stats
Energy Burst (active) 400 damage to single target
180 mana, 40 seconds cooldown, can be upgraded (4x)
Requires : Staff of Wizardry (1000), Null Talisman (505), Recipe (1300)
Upgrade per level : -20 mana cost, -4 seconds cooldown, +100 damage, +2intelligence

- With this item, Kael Invoker can able to cast a instant damage with the maximum damage of 800 depending on it's max level.

Ethereal Blade
+ 40 Agility, + 10 Strength, + 10 Intelligence
Ether Blast (active) Upon targeting an enemy hero, both your hero and the target get banished for 3 seconds. Target takes 2.5x your Agi in magic damage and is slowed by 45% for 3 seconds.
50 mana, 30 seconds cooldown
Note: Shares cooldown with Ghost Scepter, can target yourself

-This Item turns kael invoker into ghost form, where he is prone more from damge skill. But When casting it to enemy it amplify the magic skill damage.

This item are based on my experience and how it's effective during the game. But it is also up to you on how you are going to be creative to equipped items.